Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hey! Mer?

Mer? being an awesome entrepreneur, knows what people love most! GIVEAWAYS! And nothing would end this year better than receiving at least one from her collection. As she is being almighty generous, she decided to giveaway some of her best handmade bags. Here's some taste of what she is giving out;

Here's how you too can get some love from Mer?;

1) Follow Mer Mer's blog.
Easy. Mer Mer's blog is my homepage as soon as I open Firefox. I'm almost a stalker.

2) Share about The Year End Giveaway.
Check! You can either blog about this in your personal blog or post it on your Facebook and tag Mer? (leesun.ice@gmail.com) at the bag you have your eyes on. I'm drooling over this;

No one can touch this. I'm serious. If not, serious pillow fight will occur.

3) Be a fan at Mer Mer's fan page.
Oh come on, it's just a click of a button.

and last but not least,

4) E-mail.
Mail the link to your blog post/Facebook post to leesun.ice@gmail.com to let her know that you are in this competition. From there, Mer? will choose the most deserving entries. Don't worry, if you didn't win at all I'm sure Mer? will whip out some lovely consolation gifts for you. I mean, anything from Mer? is lovely ain't it?

Closing date is by end of this year. The minute before the clock ticks 12am.


  1. u gonna send in email la~~or not how mer mer know u taking part in this contest ar??? ^^

  2. haha..i think maybe this one will be mine. wakakaa...bica-bica, dont beat me oh! hehe

  3. congratulation to you ~~~ !!! hehee .. .. T.T
